Released in 2009, this 1960’s Gene Marshall ensemble was created by the Mel Odom/Jason Wu team. I wasn’t interested in the doll, so I purchased the outfit by itself and put it on one of my Ashton Drakes. Very reminiscent of something Jacqueline Kennedy might have worn, it also comes with a faux fur muff and pearlized “leather” gloves. For this blog entry, I posed Gene at the Chateau Marmont Hotel in Hollywood.
To see more Chateau Marmont photos, visit my regular
To see more Gene Marshall photos, visit my regular
just beautiful, dave... love the fabric on the fashion - timeless classic styling.... I LOVE IT!!!
ReplyDeleteIt really is classic, isn't it? I believe Doris Day wore something very similar to this in “Pillow Talk.” I should pull out a blonde Gene and shoot her in this outfit as an homage to Doris. Maybe it would inspire Tonner!