Monday, June 7, 2010
Gene Marshall: Calendar Girl/Midsummer Magic
This doll was my most recent acquisition in the Coca Cola series and marked the completion of my set. However, I ended up selling the doll as I figured my Integrity Gene redhead could fill in just as well...AND be a little more flexible in her posing! For my first photo, I put Gene in front of an original vintage Coca Cola ad that is located in Underground Atlanta.
From the story card:
“We’ll be ready for you soon, Gene!” The assistant director smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry it’s taking so long…”
Gene Marshall smiled back and held up her script.“Don’t worry—it gives me a chance to go over these script changes—and to have another Coca-Cola®!”
It was a warm midsummer day in California. Gene relaxed in her cool dressing bungalow, waiting for her call to the set of her latest picture, “Little Blessings.” Committing the script changes to memory, she suddenly felt as if someone was watching her study. Setting aside her script, she looked at the Coca-Cola calendar hanging on her wall. There, staring back at her, was an energetic-looking WAVE holding a bottle of refreshing Coca-Cola. her twinkling eyes seemed to invite Gene to join the fun!
See more Atlanta photos at my regular website. View more Gene Marshall & Friends photos at my regular website.
This is one Gene doll I had, and sold. Very sorry I did now. She is beautiful :)