I have always thought this fur-trimmed ensemble from the unfinished Marilyn Monroe film "Something's Got To Give" was ultra chic. When Diane Wagner agreed to recreate it for me, I was so excited to have Gene model it that I did a quick photo session. I was not so excited about the result. The photos just seemed lackluster.
Enter Kathy Johnson, hairstylist supreme.
She spruced up the same wig and voila, Gene has got her oomph back. The added diamond pin didn't hurt, either.

Her feet were tired from posing so she had to sit down.

Wearing a new Jamieshow wig called The Hutton which was a prize I received from the AWESOME Studio Commissary!:

The fur hat that goes with this ensemble looks much better with a less poofy hairdo:

See more Marilyn Monroe doll photos on my regular website.