The highlight of the Hollywood Canteen was the dinner and reveal of the Convention dolls. George and Tim were dressed appropriately for the theme:

The 1944 film "Hollywood Canteen" starring Jack Benny and Bette Davis was playing in the background:

A definite bonus for the Convention was being able to meet the people that brought Gene to life and have kept her going so strong, including Mel Odom himself:

Mike Basala of Studio Commissary and Randy Simmons:

Designers extraordinaire Lynne Day and Diane Wagner:

I had the great fortune of being able to sit next to Diane at dinner; it was so nice to be able to meet her in person after having bought so many Gene outfits from her! Best of all, she was just as nice as I'd imagined she'd be. Table gifts were generously laid out at each plate. My convention newbie-self was woefully unprepared; I will have to make up for it at Sandra's Convention!

Up at the podium display there was a golden-clad Gene and Trent, waiting to be auctioned off:

Mel took a moment to pose Gene to perfection:

Closeups of the duo:

It was wonderful to hear Mel speak about his creation, Gene Marshall:

As most know by now, the Convention doll reveals were Marsha Hunt and Cary, a new Jamieshow male inspired by Cary Grant.

Mel proudly posing with Marsha:

My report finishes out with shots of the rest of the Hollywood Canteen collection, beginning with Trent:

I really wasn't planning on getting another Trent, but the highly detailed outfit was not something I could resist. George had told me that the medals were all custom created, just as the daisy buttons for Madra were:


Two Violets; which color do you prefer?


Zita Charles:

Last, but certainly not least, is the newest Gene Marshall. I could not believe how beautiful the doll AND outfit were. This one was a complete winner for me, rivaling J'Adore:

That just about covers the highlights of my first Convention. Will I see all of you at Sandra Stillwell's New Orleans Convention in August?
See more Gene Marshall Hollywood Canteen Convention photos at my website.