Tonner's Scarlett O'Hara bridal doll, titled "Scarlett's Wedding Day," has recently been released to the masses. Here she is, enjoying her first Daveland photo shoot.

First, I was blown away by the face. Whether the sculpt was changed a bit or the painters have been given more direction, I'd say that Tonner's Vivien Leigh finally gives Franklin Mint's a run for the money. The fact that she has rooted hair is a big plus.

As you can see, the gown is gorgeous. True to the movie, it is a bit oversized for Scarlett. Costumer designer Walter Plunkett took pride in having followed the book, which tells of Scarlett's rushed wedding not even affording her time to have her mother's wedding gown taken in to fit her. The embroidery and lacy leaves are wonderful. Also true to the movie is the necklace, comprised of three stands of faux pearls. And for once - the gloves fit beautifully!

Borrowing from another bride, I decided to give Scarlett a bouquet for her trouble.

The negatives: I can only think of one, and that would be her veil/hat. Why Tonner continues to give his dolls hats with elastic bands instead of hat pins is beyond me. It looks cheap and definitely is not vintage. The hat itself is a bit of a mess; instead of a lacy skull cap like the movie, it is...well, I don't know exactly what to call it. I did my best to hide it in the photos.

The pearls in the necklace could have been a bit smaller as well to make them more in scale, but other than that...this doll is definitely a home run!

Here are a few shots of the Franklin Mint vinyl bridal doll for comparison. Bad wig - check. Cheap looking paper flowers on dress - check. Wedding gown too tailored to match the aforementioned story - check. Garish face paint - check. No articulation - check and done.

Yup - I'd say Tonner wins by a longshot on this one.

See more Scarlett O'Hara doll photos on my GWTW doll web page.
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