Released in 1998, "Warmest Wishes" was one of my first Genes. I cannot believe it took me so long to post about her! Tim Kennedy's circa 1948 design is a favorite of mine. Part of an FAO Schwarz release, she comes with a wrapped Christmas package that has a miniature nutcracker inside.

From the story card:
Shopping for the holidays on New York City's Fifth Avenue! What a wonderful way to feel the holiday spirit, amid the festive hustle and bustle of the city. Gene happily hummed the refrain of the new carol "Sleigh Ride" as she made her way along the sidewalk, smiling at all the rosy faces smiling back at her.
The dazzling lights, colors, and whirring mechanical motion in a toy store's window enticed her to stop and stare with childlike delight at the marvels within. And that's when she saw him...a toy soldier, tall and proud, so dashing in his crisp white soldier's uniform with a red shako hat, polished black boots, gold braid, and black epaulettes. With his snowy-white hair and beard it reminded Gene of Henry, the gentlemanly doorman of the posh hotel she stayed at when in town. Over the years he had become a gallant friend, handling Gene's mail, messages, and fans with the same calm efficiency that had made him a decorated soldier in the war. A bullet in the left leg left him with a bad limp, but nothing would ever daunt his pride at serving his country. Now, wearing another uniform, he guards and serves the hotel's guests in all kinds of weather, with the same dedication and loyalty he gave to the army. What a perfect gift that toy soldier would make for darling Henry!

"Besides," Gene later thought impishly as she walked out of the store, gift box tucked under her arm, "I never could resist a man in uniform!"

See more Gene Marshall Doll photos on my regular website.