This outfit from 2005's Decade of Dreams convention is called Major E. Laine and was released with a doll in a limited edition of 250. Modeled by Jamieshow's Trent, he is ready for service!

From the story card:
Ah, 1951! That was the year I had the privilege of starring once more with my dearest Gene Marshall in I’ll Take Manhattan. It was a fun film where I got to romance Gene as Major Eric Laine.

“Major E. Laine” was one of my favorite roles of my post-war pictures. Audiences flocked to the theater to see not only whether “Honey” would conquer the fashion world up against “Lotta”—but to see her up against the Major in those romantic scenes I’m so terribly good in.

In addition, this movie contains one of my favorite “in-jokes” of all time. I’m sure you’ll all agree! You see, in a flashback sequence, heroine “Honey” meets up with Major E. Laine, an old family friend, during the war. After a bit of small talk, she notices the back of his flight jacket, which is emblazoned with a pin-up picture of a beautiful maiden and the words, “Our Gal, Gene!”

“Who’s that?” a wide-eyed “Honey” asks.
“Our ‘mascot’! You know—that beautiful actress, Gene Marshall.”
“Never heard of her,” “Honey” replies.

And the dead-pan look on her face made usually “One-Take” me break up so much we had to do TEN takes before I could get it right!
See more Trent Doll photos on my regular website.