We've now made it to Saturday, with only 24 hours left at Sandra's Convention. Let's savor it while we can! Breakfast was titled French Connections, and featured the doll above, Entre-nous, as the centerpiece.
Attendees received Ca C'est Bon, pictured posing here inside that incredible diorama. I want it!
Once again, Patsy had outdone herself with these miniature magazines/posters:
Some of the other fashions for sale included Mon Cher:
Since I usually go for black and white, I changed it up this time and pre-ordered the coral version:
My Years and Seasons in blue could possibly be my favorite outfit from the Convention:
A highlight of the Convention was meeting Kathy Johnson (left), hair-stylist supreme of the doll world. Just as nice in person as she is to work with. On the right is Aretha McCrary-Tennessee.
Designer George Sarofeen spoke on French Connections:
Jacques Fath:
See the connection?
Hubert Givenchy:
He helped make Audrey Hepburn a fashion icon:
and last but not least, Jacques Griffe:
What happens between meals behind the scenes? Feverish last minute detailing in the work room, as shown by Helen:
And then before you know it, it's time for lunch, titled New Orleans Style. And stylish it was! Bed of Roses was the centerpiece:
I had to get The Magic Season:
If you recall from the previous post, I had seen its real-life inspiration in the archives of the History Museum:
The vintage magazine where it made its society debut:
Frou-Frou and Southern Comfort were a hit; Trent really looked like he belonged on the plantation with a mint julep!
If Canal Street Clientele looks familiar...
its because its inspiration was also at the archives. Again...gorgeous detailing!
Those who stayed for the Pat Boone movie "Mardi Gras" were able to see Trent in Dance with a Movie Star:
It really was a cute movie! And of course, Patsy pulled through again:
Hang on - just one more installment to come!
See more Sandra Stillwell Belle of New Orleans Convention photos at my website.