What to wear, what to wear...Gene finally decided to put on Park Avenue Prowl for her meeting with Walt Disney at the Disney Studios in Burbank, California. Even sunny southern California can be a little chilly on a January morning, so Gene naturally wore a coat and scarf. Exploring the lot on her own for awhile, she arrived at the Animation Building as directed and met up with Mr. Disney promptly at 10:30am. She gave him a friendly wave as he walked over to greet her; Walt himself snapped this photo.
A brief tour of the studio included a stop at the famous Pluto’s Corner, where this iconic sign is located:
Here’s Gene standing in front of the building where Walt’s office was located:
Once inside his office, Walt explained his upcoming film of “Mary Poppins,” based on the books by P.L. Travers. Walt thought that Gene was perfect for the part; and what a part it would be! Songs penned by the Sherman Brothers, live action and animation blended together in a very innovative dance number, as well as other special effects that would be guaranteed to make this family picture a hit. Gene had retired from the screen over 4 years ago, but an opportunity like this would be hard to turn down.
“My only concern,” said Mr. Disney, “is that P.L. Travers might have a problem with you cast as Mary Poppins. You are about as American as apple pie, Miss Marshall, and Mrs. Travers will probably put up a roadblock if you are to play her British Nanny. However, if we do some wardrobe shots for her and then arrange for you to meet her, I think you might be able to charm your way into this picture. She is a tough old bird though, and so far, has attempted to have her finger in every aspect of the picture!”
“Mr. Disney, for a chance to work with you, I am willing to give it the old college try! When do we start?”
More to come…
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