"Don't Look Back" by Tonner is my VERY favorite vinyl Scarlett O'Hara doll. Even though the Franklin Mint sculpt/paint job on the doll itself more closely resembles Vivien Leigh, I still love how Tonner styled this doll. Still...there was room for improvement. Here is a photo of Leigh in the very scene that this doll and fashion were based upon:

I also had the opportunity to see the actual hat that she wore in this scene when it was on exhibit in Beverly Hills:

As is so typical, I kept thinking if only Franklin Mint and Tonner had collaborated, I would have had the perfect outfit. Naturally, I took it upon myself to mix and match!

Using the jewelry, umbrella, and hat from Franklin Mint, I paired them with Tonner's sumptuous gown and shoes. Voila! FM's outfit for their vinyl doll was a garish blue color, and the fabric seemed cheap in comparison to Tonner's.

See more Gone With The Wind doll photos on my GWTW doll web page.