Meet Violet Waters, singer supreme and friend of Gene Marshall. Evoking Billie Holiday and Lena Horne, she’s a dark-skinned beauty wearing a circa 1943 outfit designed by José D'Saenz. From the story card:
1943. With the sound of applause still ringing in her ears, Violet Waters leaned against her dressing room door. Her debut at the little Beverly Hills jazz club had been packed, filled with eager jazz aficionados thrilled to hear the vocalist who had taken the music world by storm (and by the curious who wanted to see this plain spoken young woman who was so proud of her heritage and not afraid to say so!).
A knock came at the door, startling Violet for a moment. Then she turned and called out,“Yes?” From the other side of the door, she recognized the voice of the club’s owner. As she opened the door, he burst into the dressing room, which was barely bigger than a closet. “Great job, Vi!” he cried! “You’re the swingin’est chick we’ve had here in ages! Here’s to a long run. Oh, and hey, I’ve got a note for you from out front.”
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